
I'm just a small fish in a small corner of this big Laguna, and this is how I've been swimming it

08 March, 2013

Almost the Ides of March

     Wow just one post in February. My excuses are household and child-rearing priorities, a router that needs upgrading, poor time management, and well, maybe the weather?

     It was terribly hot in the daytime last week. Cool still in the night, with no need for any fan nor airconditioner.  This week, it's been cool even on sunny days.  The skies too blue and the breezes too pleasant not to spend the afternoons outdoors.

     Two years ago this month I began to blog.

     Now I get a nice invitation, to write.  With a stranger whose blog reveals so much of her personal family history and her artistic hands.  I can't help but hear an echo in my mind of "...when the student is ready, the teacher will appear".  I know, I know, being a bit dramatic, but you just might understand, if you are like-minded, why I heard that in my head if you read her blog.  You will understand my appreciation even more if you got inside my head, but I remain an anonymous blogger for now. I'm also sure to bore you with my current angst.  And what a coincidence my new friend, that you have been practicing Buddhism for a while.

     Check out http://returnedretiree.blogspot.com  , another 'new to Sta. Rosa' blogger.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Lily,
    Many thanks for your reply. I'm supposing I've found a writing partner; I wouldn't want to get in the way of your daily routine though. Perhaps we can schedule a time to meet and write. Let me know your thoughts.
    Just a bit of sharing here - came back from Los Banos from the International Rice Research Institute Int'l Women's Day celebration - details at my blog.
    Thanks again,
