It's that big, geometric arch on your left on the Tagaytay-Sta. Rosa road. You will find vegetarian food stores along the way, as members of the Seventh-Day Adventist church are vegetarians. I have been wanting to shop for cooked meals to take home, but do not know their schedule.
If you find yourself heading south on a Saturday, expect this area to be closed for the Sabbath.

I've just learned that Music is a cornerstone of Adventist education and worship. They do use music to teach. Coincidentally, after my first time to enter this place, I found, on my radio, a very pleasant station. I turned it on at around midnight, and the instrumental selections relaxed me. I did not know what station this was. The next morning, I tuned in again to hear the Adventist University Chorale--which won a prestigious competition in Wales in 2011. (I should surf their site to check exactly which competition that was, but I believe it is the same one the UST Choir won before). There was also a morning of children's voices singing praise and worship, and songs of praise we Roman Catholics also sing. I don't know if I get the station because of proximity. I only get it upstairs on the 2nd floor though, and cannot get it through a mobile phone radio. Try it out as you drive by---SHINE Radio 87.1 (is it 1, I'm not sure). AUP Campus radio.
Are you from there or do you know more? Please share with me or correct what I've posted. Thank you.
Inside the campus, one is reminded of University of the Philippines Diliman (until the '80s at least. I haven't been there in ages)
There are dormitory buildings with names like Narra and Narra trees lining that side. There are rows of Mahogany too.